
Issue 16.5 ("Spreadsheet Databases")

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Issue 16.5 ("Spreadsheet Databases")

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**Reports Revisited** by Ulrich Bogun and Martin Trippensee

Xojo's built-in reporting gets flack for not being full-featured, but it's more powerful than you think. Ulrich and Martin have figured out a way to hack it for better reports!

**An Excel Database** by Paul Budd

Should you use Excel as a database? Probably not. But you can, and there are times (like when you aren't in control of the decisions), that it's useful to be able to use SQL to query a spreadsheet.

**Give Yourself to the Dark Side, Part V** by Sam Rowlands

Sam's article a few issues ago on "Dark Mode" sliders was derailed by Apple's changes with MacOS Mojave, so he's back to revise his methods.

**Refactoring a Controller Module, Part 2** by JC Cruz

Jose continues his explanation on how to refactor a controller module to support other models without breaking existing code.

*PLUS*: Progressbars, connecting to databases, Xojo 2018r2, hierarchies in a data mart, HavIBeenPwned, and more!

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6.58 MB
96 pages
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